My Options Edge – Stock Options Strategy: VXX Short Vertical (mid/high risk)
An easy and highly profitable weekly income VXX options trading strategy, combined with an hedging strategy! This trade is to apply under defined market conditions that are described in the course.
This course is a description of an options trading strategy, based on statistical analysis, with proven results in the long term that I am applying on a weekly basis (as long as the market conditions allow)! I trade mostly volatility-based strategies with options, being this one of my core due to its profitability for income generation and complement the CROC Trade! I quit trading stocks, stock options, and forex several years ago and now specialize in this asset!
In this course, you will learn an options-based trading strategy (entry-level, very easy to implement – without adjustments!) that will give you weekly capital appreciation! It is a proven options income strategy, with a market edge, that will boost your portfolio returns! It uses a volatility ETN, VXX, which has much more price predictability than any other stock or forex market! And I will show and prove to you how!
This course starts with the volatility analysis fundamentals and then moves to the development of the options trading strategy, including its rationale and proving its edge over the market. Then moves to the strategy optimization and finishes with its options trading rules that will give you an easy implementation, in a controlled risk environment! This options course describes a full investment methodology with a detailed explanation of its rationale, expected outcome, and optimization process. It includes details on several backtests developed to support its robustness and consistency as well as alternative tests presented to support the chosen criteria.
What You’ll Learn In Stock Options Strategy: VXX Short Vertical (mid/high risk)
- My Background / Experience
- Price Action: VIX® Index vs Stock
- Why Volatility investing is much more interesting
- Volatility trading risks (and how to control them)
- Instruments of Volatility Trading
- VIX® futures Term Structure
- Contango, Backwardation and Roll Yield
- The Trading approach
- Strategy statistical Edge and optimization
- Options Trading Rules (The Plain Vanilla / Mechanical)
- Advanced Options Strategy Rules (extra profitability on discretionary approach)
- Hedging Strategy with VIX options
- Results obtained
Sale Page: My Options Edge – Stock Options Strategy: VXX Short Vertical (mid/high risk)