Danny Johnson – Seller Lead Hacks
Apply to be a part of this exclusive, never-before-offered training before all 25 spots are taken!
What You’ll Learn In This 6 Week Training:

  • Week 1: Dialing In Your Website For Maximum Conversion
  • What to expect from this training. An in-depth explanation of the proper website setup so that you convert as much traffic as possible into leads!
  • Week 2: Dominating Your Local Market Online
  • How to completely dominate your local market online so that you get the lion’s share of the motivated seller leads.
  • Week 3: FREE Traffic
  • FREE hacks to get motivated sellers to your website quickly and consistently.
  • Week 4: Pay Per Click
  • How to leverage paid traffic to crank up your lead generation immediately.
  • Week 5: Retargeting
  • Massively improve your conversion rates by retargeting visitors to your website when they visit other popular websites.
  • Week 6: Long-Term SEO
  • Discover the exact strategy to get your site to rank for the long-haul so that you can start generating very-inexpensive leads by ranking at the top of the search results for the absolute best keywords.

Sales Page: https://sellerleadhacks.com/slh
Download Files Size: 8.81GB
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