Jason Hornung – Fb Ads Profit Maximizer Bootcamp
Scale Your FB Ads!
Go From Zero To As Much As
$25,000 Per Week…Without Risking Your FB Account!
You’ll jump right in to start following along through the 6 clear, concise, and easy to implement modules!

  • MODULE 1: THE INCEPTION CAMPAIGN PLANNING SYSTEM™ ($5,000 Value) As you follow along, you’ll be putting to use the same no-hassle system we use to run our clients’ profitable FB ads campaigns, right from step one. You’ll bypass all the typical “find your perfect Avatar” mumbo-jumbo you typically hear about. Instead, you‘ll use the same simple, step-by-step execution plan our agency uses. Before you know it, you’ll have the right buyers practically eating from the palm of your hand!
  • Plus, you won’t worry about ad disapprovals and account bans because you’ll consistently get 8, 9 and even 10 quality scores!
  • MODULE 2: THE ALCHEMY TARGETING METHOD™ ($1,000 Value) After Module One you’ll sail smoothly from the planning data to mining it for PURE GOLD. It couldn’t be easier because you just fire up the FREE TOOL I show you which practically hands your hyper-targeted buyers to you on a silver platter.
  • MODULE 3: THE 8 POINT PSYCHO-ANALYTICAL AD CREATION PROCESS™ ($1,000 Value) After you’ve targeted the FB gold, now you create your ads. It’s SO SIMPLE you may laugh out loud as you use our easy 8-step process to create your first money pulling ad. The best part is, this is a recipe you’ll use to cook up profitable ads over and over again.
  • Imagine the thrill of creating ads Facebook LOVES, your audience is magnetically drawn to and converts clicks into clients, customers and cash like clockwork for you, 24/7! No matter where you are in the world. No matter if you’re running errands, out on the golf course or picking up the kids from school.
  • And imagine the relief from never worrying about logging in to your account one day and discovering your profitable ad is “DISAPPROVED”. It’s not a concern anymore because you followed our proven, ANTI-disapproval approach we laid out for you.
  • MODULE 4: THE ARCHETYPICAL CAMPAIGN SETUP SYSTEM™ ($1,000 Value) If ads are the bricks, then campaign set-up is the foundation for your first $25,000 a week FB campaign. You’ll use the EXACT INSIDER process we personally use when setting up rock-solid and virtually unbreakable WINNING FB CAMPAIGNS that SCALE.
  • You may not realize it now, but you’ve saved yourself hours of time and frustration trying to figure out the FB Ads Manager and Power Editor all by yourself…
  • And FINALLY you’ll have a foundation where you can build a campaign big and tall enough that can make a REAL DIFFERENCE in your financial future…maybe even set you up for life?
  • …Do NOT be surprised if your friends, clients and colleagues grill you for information on how you’re doing it.
  • MODULE 5: THE ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD OPTIMIZATION PROCESS™ ($1,000 Value) It’s getting exciting isn’t it? Now you’re going to take it to the next level!
  • After you run through the optimization process you’re seeing your campaign PRODUCE A MINIMUM $2 to $1 RETURN on your ads spend!
  • With our Guaranteed Profitability Formula™…this is TYPICAL and NOT unusual.
  • You may even discover, to your delight, that it’s not impossible to do 3:1 or 4:1 or more!
  • MODULE 6: THE 3D PROFIT SCALING SYSTEM 2.0™ ($1,000 Value) Now THIS is the moment you’ve been waiting for…
  • Taking your campaign and SCALING IT UP!
  • Here you’ll use Facebook’s algorithm to YOUR advantage. Before you know it, your profits will grow from $0 to as much as $25,000 a week… maybe more. All without popping Tums over the heartburn of getting your Facebook ads disapproved or your account shut down.
  • Life is good because you know your FB account is 100% safe and 100% compliant with Facebook, you’re getting 8, 9 and 10 quality scores and clicks are converting.
  • Your biggest problem will be: How can I find new credit cards and ways to SPEND MORE on my ads?!?!
  • Because when you’ve got a money machine that is printing $2 for every $1 you put in, you want to feed your machine as much as you can.

Sales Page: https://bigmojo.clickfunnels.com/misc8284524
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