Fergal Downes – Warrior Commission Academy

School Teacher Reveals Complete ‘Done For You’ System that Gives You Everything You Need to Create Thousands Per Month in Passive Monthly Income

Tired Of Waking Up To THIS?

The Answer?


(We spent a little time getting things setup, and then this money came in over

the course of a couple of months without any additional work needed)

Why Passive Income

Is The Ultimate ‘Job Killer’

With true passive income methods, all you have to do is a small amount of work once and then you get paid month after month for it

Because your income isn’t tied to the hours you work, it’s much easier to scale-up your online income quickly

Because the money comes in even when you’re not actively working on your business, you can make money alongside your day job (if you have one) until it’s enough money to quit


Most Online Marketers Find Themselves Working 20, 30, or even 40+ Hours Every Single Week…

20 hours. 30 hours. 40+ hours per week??

That sounds a lot like a traditional JOB, doesn’t it?

And to make things even worse.

Most online marketers are working TONS of hours and they have little to show for it.

There’s nothing more painful than working 20, 30, or 60 hours and only making a few bucks (or nothing at all)…

Hi There!

Aidan Corkery here with Fergal Downes & Noel Cunningham aka TEAM GREEN

When we started out online, we worked A LOT of hours to make very little money

Over time, we were able to increase our income, but initially we were still putting in 30-40+ hours per week into our online businesses.


…but no time freedom.

The Reason You Started Online Is To Make Lots Of Money And Have The Time Freedom to Enjoy it!

Over the past year, coming up with an easy-to-implement system for making more money. with less work has been our #1 goal.

And the good news is. Slowly but surely, we’ve cracked the code to making money while we sleep.

We know this sounds like hype, but we actually have a WORKING method for creating income while we sleep.

In fact, our passive income method works so well I was able to go on a career break from work and travel the world…

Aidan is Making Thousands Per Month,

And He’s Working Just A Few Minutes Per Day.


(What if you could bank hundreds per day and all you had to do was hop on your phone and

check your income earnings and traffic stats here and there. sounds good, huh?)

Aidan’s Truly Living The Online Lifestyle…

That Passive Income Provides

Aidan is making more than from his full time Teaching career

He has no bills to pay as his business covers it all

He has the best of both worlds

He’s living HIS life. on HIS terms.

How Would You Like To Have…

Here’s the thing.

Although creating a stream of passive income is the key to firing your boss and living life on YOUR terms.

If you’re trying to do it all on your own, it can take a little time, effort, and frustration figuring it all out.

And once you have a working method for creating passive income.

…it can take a little effort to get things setup that first time.

Initially, we planned to give you a really solid method packed with case studies and video training that would show you EXACTLY how we’ve created passive income in our businesses.

…but then we realized.

Most People Get STUCK In The Setup Phase

We don’t want that to happen to you.

We want you to get results right away!

That’s why we’re not just going to teach you how to create a passive income…

We’re going to give you multiple proven traffic methods

Top quality training

And 2 ‘Done For You’ Recurring income sales funnels so you can skip the technical and just start making money right away…

…without any hard work or effort required.

Warrior Commission Academy

Warrior Commission Academy gives you a COMPLETE SYSTEM for creating a passive income that has the power to change your life.

Why We Call This…

Warrior Commission Academy

Aidan used the exact methods we give you inside Warrior Commission Academy to make more money on the Warrior Plus network that in his full time Teaching career.

This is the ultimate passive income training loaded with traffic methods, done for you resources. EVERYTHING you need to finally create a life-changing recurring income.

Warrior Commission Academy

Gives You Everything You Need

3 Steps To Making Passive Income

with Warrior Commission Academy


Use the Step-By-Step Video Training to Setup the Included ‘Done For You’ Recurring Profits Funnels (It takes about 10 minutes to get setup)

Activate one the included Viral Traffic Methods

Enjoy Your Passive Income and Rinse And Repeat If You Want To Make More

Quickly Scale-Up To $3,726.66 Per Month

Without Any Daily Work Required

5 Reasons Why Warrior Commission Academy

Is Different Than Other


Most ‘passive income methods’ are anything but that. They require you to do daily work to keep the money coming in. But Warrior Commission Academy is different. You get a REAL method for making recurring income while you sleep!

The method inside is PROVEN – We actually use the method inside to make thousands of dollars in passive income every single month

This is a REAL passive income method – Once you get things setup, the money keeps coming in

Warrior Commission Academy isn’t just a proven method – You get 2 ‘Done For You’ Recurring Income Funnels to make it even easier to get started

This is a COMPLETE System and we’re including our Viral Traffic Methods – (These step by step viral traffic methods alone could be a stand alone course, but they’re included for free with Warrior Commission Academy)

More Proof That

Warrior Commission Academy Works.

The Question Is. What Will You Do With

The Passive Income You’re Making?

Pay off some bills?

Put money in the bank for a rainy day?

Buy something you’ve been

wanting for a long time?

Go on that much-needed vacation

you’ve been putting off?

Cut back your hours at work and eventually fire your boss and live life on your own terms?

All of the above?

With Passive Income

YOU Are In The Driver’s Seat


Even Newbies Are Loving

Warrior Commission Academy

Get Warrior Commission Academy

Right Now And Save $480+

We originally planned to offer Warrior Commission Academy as part of a group training course and charge $497 for access.

After all, you get way more than just training.

​You also get 2 ‘Done For You’ Recurring Profit Funnels …and access to our Viral Traffic methods that are proven to get big results.

​This is a COMPLETE SYSTEM that removes all the stress and really all the work required to get started making recurring income online.

Just follow the simple setup instructions and you’ll be on your way to banking thousands of dollars per month without any daily work required. (other than checking stats)

​That’s why this should be $497. and will be at some point. But here’s the thing.

​We don’t want anything to hold you back from getting this life-changing system today

Download mmo

Join Group to receive download link.