Crypto Asset Investment Analysis by Invictus Capital

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Invest in cryptoassets like venture capitalists.

What You’ll Learn

  • Develop a framework for crypto-investing
  • Understand how to categorize cryptoassets
  • Develop an understanding of the history and development of the cryptomarket
  • Describe and use valuation models depending on the cryptoasset type
  • Gain practical experience applying these models


  • A basic knowledge of how to buy cryptocurrencies
  • An interest in how cryptoassets and blockchain technology works


This short course is designed to offer a practical approach to the fundamental analysis of cryptoassets and the token economics and market forces that drive price action.

The Invictus Capital analyst team has invested over $11m in cryptocurrency and blockchain startups through the Invictus Hyperion Fund and has extensive experience in the crypto sector.

Who this course is for

  • Individual crypto investors or crypto enthusiasts
  • Blockchain startups who want to understand how VCs will analyze their projects/companies
  • Investors, traders or financial analysts from the traditional finance space

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