Dede Stockton – Content Promotion Planner
Here’s what you’ll get:
Step 1: Know Where Your Audience Hangs Out
- No matter how awesome your content is, if you’re sharing it on LinkedIn and your market spends all their time on Instagram, you won’t get any traction. Exercise: Create your client avatar; or review your avatar for changes if you already have one Exercise: Survey your audience
Step 2: Create a Strategic Content Plan
- Every piece of content has a job to do, whether it’s selling your hot new coaching program or encouraging people to join your mailing list. It pays to have a plan, rather than just waiting for inspiration to strike. Exercise: Create a content inventory list Exercise: Map out your content marketing calendar
Step 3: Make Your Content Promo-Worthy
- Your content is a representation of you and your business, so you obviously want to put your best foot forward when producing content. Exercise: Create a killer content checklist
Step 4: Create Channel-Specific Promos
- For every channel or platform you will use to promote your content, be sure you know what works and what doesn’t. Exercise: Determine what each channel promotion looks like
Step 5: Automate!
- Promoting your content and expanding your reach on social media is necessary but who has time to manually post to several different channels each and every week? Exercise: Review the top tools to make an informed choice
Step 6: Don’t Forget to Cross-Promote
- Promotion of your content doesn’t only happen on social channels. It can and should happen on your existing content as well. Exercise: Create a cross-promotion checklist
Step 7: Track Your Results
- Track your promotions and review your results so you can spend your time and energy where you see the best results. Exercise: Create your promotion tracker