RankXL – Authority SEO 2.0
SEO strategies to take your website from zero to 100,000 visitors per month
- Module 1: Niche & Keyword research
I’ll teach you how to properly do niche and keyword research using proven strategies I’ve been using for over ten years now. - Module 2: On-page SEO & Site structure
You’ll learn how to properly set up your site and what are the most common beginner traps when it comes to the on-page SEO and how to avoid them. - Module 3: Off-page SEO & Link building
This is where most people give up. I’ll teach you how to systemize your link building efforts and how to build links at scale with as little effort as possible. - Module 4: Monetization & Growth
Once you get all that free organic traffic, it’s important to make sure that you make as much money as possible per visitor. I’ll teach you how to do that and how to optimize your site for even more growth – both in traffic and revenue.
Module 5: Bonuses – XL Strategies
Psst… This is top secret 😉
“RankXL’s Authority SEO taught me valuable lessons on doing email outreach for links. The course is broken down into smaller modules which is very easy to digest.
I’d highly recommend Authority SEO course to anyone who’s new to building niche and authority websites.”
-Tung Tran, Affiliate Marketer