The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters
As Soon As Humanly Possible …
… sign me up. Clayton, I’m on board with you. I’d like to hitch my wagon to yours ASAP and get moving on this mushrooming part of our business. I’d like to sign up TODAY to be first in line to get your Makepeace Method program.
I understand I’ll get a complete system for writing winning Video Sales Letters. One that’s easy to follow, yet more complete than any other out there.
Plus, I look forward to not just being a VSL expert, but even better, being an expert in Internet marketing. I understand that having these skills will “Wow” my clients and have them lined up begging for my services.
I’ll get your 3 webinars showing me how to create a skeleton for what I’m working on, and take it “bones to body” so actually writing it is easy. And better yet – it works for any copy!
I’ll get your 8 Sessions — available in video and audio with printable PowerPoint slides — showing me everything from how to write a VSL to how to land clients to negotiating my contracts and even how to produce my own professional VSL, ready to post on the Web.
I’ll get hugely successful VSLs written by you, Clayton, and others to start my own personal Swipe File.
What You’ll Learn In The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters
Session #1 – How to Use VSLS to Attract Million-Dollar Clients
This is what lands you the dream clients you want — clients who are:
- Fun to work with (you want clients who appreciate you and work with you — you don’t want to have to work with difficult clients, or clients who see you as someone they have to manage or control) …
- Clients who want you to be successful (that means they understand your value to their business — and they’re happy to pay you big money to be a key part of making their business grow) …
- Clients who are trustworthy and who will pay you (they’ll show you the results of their marketing and pay you promptly — they won’t just hand you a check and say, “This is for the last month.” You can count on them paying you what they owe you and do it promptly without having to ask them) …
- You want clients who are honest and careful about obeying the law and all governing regulations (you DON’T want a client who is willing to risk trouble with regulatory agencies) …
- And finally, you want clients who have great potential for growth. That means that when you give them great marketing, they’re going to succeed and will be able to pay you more and more money!
Session #2 – 14 Ways to Make Your VSL a Huge Success
In Step 2, I’ll show you how to “hang the meat on the bone” of what you’ve created. At this point, you’re already writing it!
- I’ll show you how to add in elements to cement your points in the VSL — things like quotes, factoids, charts, tables, or third-party information. This is the “secret sauce” that gives your VSL unbeatable credibility — and gains the trust and confidence of your prospect.
- Also, I’ll show you the 3 simple things to ALWAYS include in a VSL to quickly double or even triple your results …
- My 2 favorite “persuasion strategies” to connect with your prospect and cement your relationship with him …
- How to avoid the “Deadliest Sin” in a VSL that could cause your prospect to turn you right off (all it takes is a single click and you’re gone!) …
- 5 simple tips to eliminate confusion in your video (that’s another “Deadly Sin”) …
Session #3 – How to Make Sure Your Best Prospects See Your VSL
Now there are some simple ways to do this — but there’s a good chance your client may not even know all of what you’re going to know.
So I’ll start by showing you the 8 best ways to drive traffic to your VSL (again, you’ll be showing your clients things they very possibly won’t know — AND make sure you’re getting the biggest royalties you can) …
Then, there are 5 things you MUST DO once your prospect reaches the end of your VSL (you’ll be amazed how few copywriters and marketers use all five — most only use one or maybe two … so they’re leaving money on the table).
Then I’ll explain the 2 types of prospects you will be dealing with — and why you have to approach each one differently to guarantee response …
Plus you’ll get some juicy tidbits from my personal toolbox, that help make my VSLs so successful … like the 7 secrets to powerful traffic-driving emails, and the 5 key elements to traffic-driving banners …
Session #4 – Web Page Essentials
You see, your VSL does NOT exist in a vacuum. It is hosted on a web page.
That gives you plenty of real estate to work with above, below, and beside the video window.
Plus, the web programmer should be able to have anything you like appear outside of this window, any time you like during your presentation (if not, tell your client that they’re leaving money on the table).
You’ll learn 5 tricks you can do that will maximize what you can do with the page and enhance the effectiveness of your video …
And I’ll show you exactly how to write these things into the script — so everyone can understand what you’re calling for and it can get executed exactly as you want it!
I’ll show you the secret of the “mini-site” — this is something almost nobody knows how to use. But once you’ve written your script … it’s EASY to do (I’ll show you exactly what they are and how to set one up) …
And, I’ll show you what you should NOT have to worry about … these are things that are not normally your responsibility, and if you do them, you should charge extra. This helps keep a very professional profile for you with your client. You do not want to try to be anything they need. That is not your job!
Session #5 – The Art of the Deal
You see, you can’t negotiate successfully with a client if you don’t understand what you’re worth to them.
Remember, at this point in my program, you are no longer just a copywriter. You have become an online marketing strategist, and a VSL specialist!
Also, I’m going to show you how your negotiations are not confrontational. Many people don’t understand this. They state their fees and demand a “yes” or “no” answer.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
What you want to do is COLLABORATE with your client to find a solution that works for everyone. So if your client objects to your standard fee, I’ll show you 6 different ways you can propose to structure your deal that all work out to pretty much the same money for you in the end.
Also, being so flexible really shows your client that you’re willing to work with them, while keeping your very professional profile and NOT just dropping your fees!
Next, I’ll show you the 6 common structures for your deal, and 2 of what I call “interesting wrinkles.” These have to do with the retainer you get, and either way you come out a winner!
I’ll show you the standard money deals and where to start. And I’ll show you 2 ways to structure your royalty deal — and they both work out the same for you! (This is good, because it’s a fact that some businesses like to calculate their profits one way, and others like to calculate another way. It’s good for you to understand so either way they propose, you know how to wind up where you want to be.)
I’ll also show you the key parts of the deal that protect your interests all the way to the bank! It’s to your advantage that all of these are written into the agreement.
And I’ll show you my 7 “Pot Sweeteners” — juicy tidbits to add to the deal that actually pay off big in the long run.
Session #6 – Essential Components
A lot of people don’t pay attention to these and just copy what other people do — which is a big mistake.
Again, these are my personal techniques that have been proven again and again to capture people who might leave the video at any stage and convert them into buyers. When you have a good system in place, you can save 15% or more of people you might otherwise lose.
And this, of course, translates into 15% more royalty money for you. And the more you do it, the more sales you save, and that extra money accumulates over time. “Snowball.”
Plus, I’ll show you how to do an order form or order page several different ways (you can have your client test many of the things I show you to see what works best). And I’ll show you my “Bread Crumb” method of making it so easy for someone to order they’re far less likely to get intimidated by the process.
I repeat — very few people give these things the attention they deserve. When you add up all the methods, techniques, and secrets I’m going to share with you, you wind up with an arsenal that puts you miles ahead of your competition.
In fact, once you talk to a prospective client — you’ll be able to discuss things with them that almost no one else will think to do!
Okay, bear with me just a couple of more minutes, and I’m going to tell you about something very special I’m going to share with you also.
First, though, let me finish up my system of writing million-dollar VSLs (frankly, many of them have brought in several million) …
Session #7 – 8 Great Ideas to Test
You know, so many marketers just test one element on a VSL. But there are really quite a few things you can — and should — do to get the best results for your client AND you.
For example, I’m going to show you 5 basic types of headlines. Now — would you test two versions of the same type? Maybe. But usually you’re better off testing different types of headlines.
Plus, I’ll reveal my “21 Questions” you should answer BEFORE you even begin to write a headline.
Then I’ll show you how to test your traffic drivers, your offer, and figure out if you want to “serialize” your promo, or create a course, or a “rolling webinar.”
And finally, I’ll show you how to create a squeeze page to go in your marketing plan, and I’ll give you some models to work off of to get you started.
You may be getting tired of hearing me say this, but this is really far and above what most people give you as a plan for writing VSLs. They stick pretty much to the writing of the script, and ignore all the extras that can keep your VSL alive and performing well for twice as long.
Session #8 – Odds and Ends
I mean I’m going to go over everything you need to know to produce your own video (you can make one to show clients that proves you know what you’re talking about!).
We’ll start with my 5-step process to take you from writing your video right up to posting it online.
And I’ll give you my 9 rules of thumb for production of your slides.
I’ll tell you all the technical equipment you need to produce your own video, and even where to get it. I’ll even walk you through the technical steps in creating your own
And finally, I’ll give you my 12 “Commandments” to help make sure your VSL will get the maximum viewership and response.
Of course, we’ll be going over very successful VSLs and scripts as we do all this, and you’ll have the start of your very own personal “Swipe File” — extremely successful videos you can use to help you with structure and ideas as you work on your VSL.
I’ll tell you honestly — I’ve seen a few people teach a quick seminar on how to write a VSL. But I haven’t seen anything like what I’ve created for you … that covers every angle so completely.
And I don’t mean to brag, but my system has been proven to produce million-dollar VSLs again and again.
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