Steven Aitchison – Your Digital Formula
Not too long ago there was Netscape, then Yahoo and then Google. These digital entities were, and to some degree still are the go-to platforms for online presence, when looking to get noticed. While the world has forgotten or moved further away from the digital companies mentioned, the search for getting noticed online requires staying on top of the best mediums. I think I have gotten ahead of myself.
Instead, I’ll paint a different picture of our internet history. We all have to face the fact, the internet is mainly concerned with two actions concerning humans, pushing and pulling. We are either pushing some digital representation onto the internet or pulling some digital content from the platform. Those who chose to push items on the internet for the pullers to grab have a problem each face. Getting noticed.
I think I have gotten ahead of myself, instead, I’ll paint a different picture of our internet history. We all have to face the fact, the internet is mainly concerned with two actions concerning humans, pushing and pulling. We are either pushing some digital representation onto the internet or pulling some digital content from the platform. Those who chose to push items on the internet for the pullers to grab have a problem each individual faces, getting noticed.
What You’ll Learn In Your Digital Formula
While pushing great content for the pullers is easier than ever before, the field is extremely crowded. How do you get your pushed items noticed for the pullers to grab?
Here is a list of just a few places for actual pushers:
- Bing
- Yahoo
- Stumbleupon
- Snapchat
These are a few of the content aggregators where individual pullers nest. The landscape is forever evolving. Once Myspace ruled the planet, today many individuals born after 1995 don’t know Myspace exist.
How do I find and push to my audience?
Enter Steven Aitchison and Your Digital Formula. Steven is almost a reluctant helper. His overall goal is to help humanity, he just did not conceive it would be with Your Digital Formula. Around the age of 19, Steven found he just wanted to help people improve their quality of life experience living, and began moving his life in that direction. A small amount of searching online will show his conviction to help people be their best.
Guiding Angels from Facebook
During our conversation on The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast, I quickly noted how Steven was guided to where he is currently, by what seems guardian angels. I was waiting for him to tell me he had a conversation with Bagger Vance. Steven recounted his passion for self-help drove his progression to find his “it”. If you don’t know what “it” is, here is the definition. It is your driving purpose.
Steven had it slap him in the face, he just had to pay attention, which is the battle most of us have. 2014 Steven birthed a Facebook group page for self-help. Nearly a year later Steven found there were a million followers associated with the page. Others users began to notice how much traffic and involvement the page received then began to inquire if Steven had advice for others as to how the page grew so quickly. Request for coaching, webinars, videos, and ebooks began to circulate.
The Angels of Facebook
Sometime after 2015, Steven decided to create a product to fill the request. His core group was to help entrepreneurs connect with their target groups using the techniques and methods Steven discovered.
Steven stated something really interesting during g our interview, Distribution of Attention. I found the statement “Distribution of Attention” profound. Steven has found the current key to generating and distributing the attention necessary for content pushers to reach content pullers.
Facebook ain’t going nowhere!
Knowing Facebook is getting stronger by the year, our best hope is to leverage its power. Steven has figured out the navigation utilizing Facebook via video, messaging g and various strategic efforts. A community has been building around the workings of Facebook, Google and YouTube are the kings of the online presence. The ability to master any single online social platform and your message is sure to hit it’s intended mark.
Steven had amassed several followers of the Your Digital Formula platform and wanted to mastermind with Your Digital Formula community in London. The event was such a success her decided to do it again. This time the event is bigger, better, strong, and faster.
Held within a castle, not an auditorium provided more value experience for the participants. The goal is to make Your Digital Formula the best possible learning experience.
Facebook is the comfort food for digital pullers.
Why not go where the people are already located, to move them to a new direction. Steven Aitchison has developed a map to help you go viral, to push your thoughts, ideas, and works to the pullers of the world. Please listen to the podcast, as it was an easier to hear the development, journey and culmination of Stevens work.
Sale Page: Steven Aitchison – Your Digital Formula