VIDLeads PRO finds businesses in need of video. Find them, contact them and sell them the videos you can create using VidCuratorFX.
That’s why we’ve built:

  • Enter a business type:
  • Simply enter the type of business you want to search for in your area or any area. Pizza Shop, Accountants, Lawyers or anything.
  • Enter the location:
  • Enter the location you want the local businesses from. It could be in any city, state or even country. Yes, it works for US, UK, Australia, France, Germany or pretty much any country you want to search for.
  • Filter by Types & miles:
  • You can filter the businesses by their type and the distance from your office. Find all the business closest to you and the one farthest from you too.
  • Hit the GO button:
  • And hit the GO button and VIDLeadPro will find all the businesses, their name, contact details, whether they have a video, a website, social media presence etc and present all of that to you in an easy to understand format!

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